My personal website, with lots of ramblings in a sort-of-blog format. There’s probably code involved, maybe one or two hot-takes about Minecraft.
If you’re wondering why the page is so minimalist: I am too lazy to create web graphics or deal with HTML or CSS for more than 6 minutes at a time.
This is the first post in a series that documents the interesting things I encounter as I develop a Game Boy Advance game in 2025 (not yet announced).
The 2022 April Fools’ update is still my favourite for some Minecraft philosophy reasons, but in particular I snuck my darling Minecraft idea into the joke update.
A common function in the GBA community is to convert the directional pad buttons into a signed integer value for each axis.
With the future of Twitter in uncertain hands I decided I should probably have a back-up plan for discussions around my website content.
I found a draft of an article I started writing on Medium titled “Enjoying CMake”.
There’s one thing I never do, and that’s take a website out of the “under construction” phase.